As a business owner, deciding to buy, sell or lease a new building for your business is a big decision and can consume a lot of your time. You have many considerations to take into account, all while ensuring your business continues to run smoothly.
Partnering with a Commercial Realtor who makes the process as easy as possible will take some of the pressure and stress off your shoulders. That is my goal with each and every one of my clients.
You and your needs are my priority.
Born and raised in Chicago, I know the five counties like the back of my hand. And, because I have been in or around the real estate industry for the past 30 years, I am able to provide you with the right insight that ensures you are not only making a move, but also making the right move.
I provide all of my clients with my Concierge Services, which center around you, whether you are buying, selling or leasing commercial real estate.
What does that mean? I listen to you to ensure I understand your needs. I respond to you right away, as I am always available. I do the ‘heavy lifting’ and running around for you because your time is valuable.
What’s more, when you work with a commercial broker, it’s important that he or she has a network of professionals who can help at any step along the way. My extensive network includes everyone from contractors and handymen to lending partners who offer solutions outside of traditional bankers, if you need it.
SELLING? I will recommend low-cost strategies to present your property in the best light in order to get the highest value for your property.
BUYING? I will find the right property for your needs, negotiate the best terms and secure the most appropriate financing for your budget
LEASING? I will ensure fair and equitable negotiations to help secure a solid foundation between you and your landlord.
Are you ready to T.A.L.K – Take Action with Lew Kaplan? Call me anytime at 847-280-3200.
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