Sandra Corrigan

Director of Office Leasing
Real Estate Type
Real Estate Professional
Asset Focus
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About Me / Bio

Sandra Corrigan joined SRSA Commercial Real Estate, Inc as Director of Office Leasing Brokerage, where she specializes in the leasing and sales of office buildings in the Greater New Orleans area.

Corrigan has been a force in the New Orleans commercial real estate market for over 30 years.  She has received the New Orleans Metropolitan Association of Realtors award for the highest volume of commercial sales and leases in the city three (3) times, as well as the Jefferson Board of Realtors equivalent three (3) times, prior to the merger of the two associations.  Over the years she has been called upon to facilitate some of the largest and most complicated transactions in New Orleans.

She has served as a Commissioner of the Louisiana Real Estate Commission from 2000 to 2009.  In 1995, she was President of the New Orleans Metropolitan Association of Realtors (NOMAR) and was actively involved in merging the Jefferson Board of Realtors and the New Orleans Board of Realtors, as well as merging the MLS systems for the New Orleans Metropolitan Association of Realtors with the St Tammany system.

Corrigan is a licensed Louisiana real estate broker and received her designation for the Society of Office and Industrial Realtors (SIOR) in 1986 and has served as president of the Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and NW Florida Chapter, as well as served on national committees for the society.


  • Vice-Chairman, Louisiana Real Estate Commission (2008)
  • President, Society of Industrial & Office Realtors; Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi Chapter (1997)
  • President, New Orleans Metropolitan Association of Realtors (1995)


2015     NOMAR, Commercial Industrial Division’s (CID) “Outstanding Achievement Award for Second Largest Office Sales Transaction.”

2004      Awarded the City Business Women of the Year award

2000     NOMAR, CID’s “Service to the Industry” Award

1999     NOMAR, CID’s “Outstanding Achievement Award for Largest Sales Transaction”

1995     NOMAR, “Realtor of the Year” award

1986, 1985, 1982     F. Poche Waguespack Award which represents the largest volume of real estate sales and leases in New Orleans for that year.

1987     Jefferson Board of Realtors (JBR) “Diamond Award” which represents the board’s top production

1988, 1987, 1984     JBR “Ruby Award” which represents the most commercial transactions for the year

1986     The New Orleans Board of Realtors “Emerald Award” which represents the most commercial transactions for the year

1995-Present       New Orleans Metropolitan Association of Realtors, Commercial Industrial Division’s Achievement Award


  • Licensed Louisiana Real Estate Agent 1980
  • Licensed Louisiana Real Estate Broker 1990


SIOR Certification (Society of Industrial and Office Realtors)

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