
Take the first step! Howard Oliver Tue, 02/25/2020 - 14:06

Take the first step!

Commercial Real Estate–CRE Tech is evolving at an astonishing rate.  What CRE broker or brokerage has time to determine which group of these new technologies will make their work easier and focused on closing deals faster? CRE Collaborative is here to bring you that expertise.

CRETech… A valuable tool for the way you do business in Commercial Real Estate Age of CRE Collaboration Part II Andreas Senie Mon, 11/19/2018 - 02:19

CRETech… A valuable tool for the way you do business in Commercial Real Estate Age of CRE Collaboration Part II

The fundamentals of the Commercial Real Estate Industry have not changed. Relationships, knowledge, and access to deals are still paramount to success... real disruption in technology is one that takes a... wide approach by now aggregating useful data.. while providing the richest experiences thru vertically integrated data exchanges and the best functionality from individual Commercial real estate platforms.